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dSHARP & dataCoLAB Virtual Office Hours
Until further notice, the dataCoLab and dSHARP will be holding office hours online only! Register for the event and we will add you to our live online consultations.
dSHARP office hours are an informal event where all students, faculty, and staff across Pittsburgh can drop by and have consultations with library experts in all things digital- and data-related. This can mean anything from just learning how to get working on the command line on your computer; getting an introduction to the wide array of data visualization, GIS, text analysis, and data mining research methods available; or having a brief consultation about a specific research or pedagogical project. See more about the dSHARP group here. Our core team are often joined by library professionals with data curation, digitization, metadata, and scholarly communications expertise including using CMU's institutional repository, KiltHub.
The Data Collaborations Lab (dataCoLAB) connects the research community across disciplinary borders, and facilitates collaborations between data producers and data scientists. Perhaps you have an existing dataset and want help analyzing, organizing, or visualizing it. Or maybe you have data science skills and want to gain experience consulting on interesting real-world data problems.
There are several ways to get in touch! If you reach out in advance, our teams will respond and connect you with someone who can help.
- Chat with us directly during office hours.
- Email us anytime! If your interest is in working with datasets, data analysis and visualization, or you need help finding datasets, connect with the members of dataCoLAB by emailing dataCoLAB@andrew.cmu.edu. If you'd like to work with dSHARP, you are encouraged to contact members individually or email the group using dsharp@andrew.cmu.edu to schedule a virtual consultation.
Consultations might include:
- Connecting your data analysis problems with an external consultant, or finding datasets to work on.
- Finding, creating, and working with data, including data management, data mining & data modeling, and statistical analysis.
- Learning about the availability of tools and platforms on campus, such as ArcGIS (GIS data), Tableau (data visualization), Open Science Framework, and others.
- Showing you how to work with experimental digital methods.
- Connecting you to resources for self-teaching or the local networks of Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship practitioners at CMU
- Helping you brainstorm, scope, and begin planning a project.
- Evaluating and offering advice on the display of visual content, such as presentations, poster designs, and web design.
- Providing feedback on your dataset, data management plan, project design, and code.
We will also do our best to refer you to support and expertise around CMU including other Library consultants and the Eberly Center.
Appointments are not required, but we suggest you reach out in advance to help us best answer your questions. We welcome all students, faculty, and staff.
- Date:
- Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Show more dates
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
- Time:
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Online