Event box

Education City Virtual Human Library Online
Welcome to the first ever Education City Virtual Human Library! March 24th 17:00-19:00
With a tagline of “Never judge a book by its cover,” at a Human Library, as a "reader" you can “check out” or hear the stories, ask questions, and learn more about “books” or volunteers who share their stories of how the different aspects of their identity impact the way they see and experience their everyday lives.
At this event we will showcase and celebrate the diversity of Education City and we will provide an environment for people to learn more about and connect with the experiences of fellow members of our community.
Use the registration form to let us know that you want to visit the our Human Library. Our books will be available for check out between 17:00 and 19:00 for individuals and small groups, you do not have to stay the full two hours, though of course you are welcome to check out more than one book at this event!
Related LibGuide: Education City Virtual Human Library by Tatiana Usova
- Date:
- Wednesday, March 24, 2021
- Time:
- 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Campus:
- Virtual Event
- Online:
- This is a virtual event. A URL to participate will be sent via a reminder email 24 hours before the event.
- Attachments:
Online Event Information:
- The link to join this event will be found in your confirmation and reminder emails.
- Please join a few minutes early to ensure that your audio setup is working correctly
- All events are shown in Pittsburgh time. No we can't fix that. Visit this time zone converter to see when this event will take place in your time zone.